New research shows how dark matter mini-galaxies could help solve the mysteries of the universe’s magnetic field

Research shows magnetic fields play a role in the evolution of dark matter, leading to the formation of galaxies made of invisible matter Scientific research shows that magnetic fields exist throughout the universe and play an important role in its organization. However, its origin remains a mystery to scientists. One of the most interesting theories is that these magnetic fields were created at the beginning of the universe, just after the Big Bang.

An international team of scientists has discovered a connection between magnetic fields and dark matter, a substance that makes up most of the mass of the universe. Researchers suggest that one mechanism for the formation of magnetic fields is interaction with dark matter during the early stages of the evolution of the universe.

Although dark matter does not interact directly with magnetic fields, it could serve as a kind of “probe” for study. Scientists have shown that when perturbations in the density of dark matter increase, compact galaxies can form from this matter. The discovery of such small galaxies supports the primitive nature of magnetic fields and could contribute to understanding the nature of the visible part of the universe. “Magnetic fields exist everywhere. Possible theories for their formation suggest that the fields observed today may have appeared in the early stages of the universe,” explains Pranjal.

“However, this proposal lacks an explanation in the Standard Model of physics. In order to clarify this aspect and find a way to detect the “original” magnetic field, in our research we call it “indirect” I would like to suggest a way that you can do it. Our approach is based on the question “How do magnetic fields affect dark matter?”, although there is no known direct interaction. However, Ralegankar explains, “There is something indirect, and that is gravity.” It turns out that this process reduces fluctuations in the density of baryonic matter, but leaves traces through the formation of small galaxies. These results support the hypothesis that magnetic fields appeared very early, in the first moments after the Big Bang.