According to new research, there’s another galaxy hiding behind one of the galaxies closest to the Milky Way.

New observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud show that two galaxies may actually have been ‘disguised’ as one A new study shows that one of the galaxies closest to the Milky Way is hiding a second galaxy. Observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud suggest that there may actually be two galaxies.

The Small Magellanic Cloud is a nearby galaxy well known to astronomers. That’s what they thought. A new study suggests that the Milky Way’s satellite galaxy, located about 199,000 light-years from Earth, holds secrets. It’s actually two galaxies in a row. To make this discovery, a team led by astronomer Claire Murray studied the movement of gas clouds in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the young stars that form within them. They discovered that this small galaxy, which is about 18,900 light-years wide (less than one-fifth the width of the Milky Way), is home to two distinct “star nurseries” thousands of times apart.

A team of Dutch and German scientists analyzed LOFAR data and discovered that the Andromeda galaxy has an unusual structure called a “galactic tail.” According to scientists, this structure could be the result of a collision between the Andromeda galaxy and another galaxy currently hiding behind it. If true, such a discovery could have major implications for our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. Until now, it was thought that galaxies formed primarily in isolated environments, but the discovery of a second galaxy in the Andromeda galaxy suggests that collisions are occurring more frequently than previously thought. It may be suggested.