Astrophysicists have discovered an explanation for mysterious radio signals reaching Earth

Several explanations have been proposed for the high-speed radio signals reaching Earth from space, including merging neutron stars, black holes, and magnetars. But new research on them offers its own theory. Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are extremely short, powerful radio waves that can travel billions of light years, according to information published in Monthly Notices, a journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. However, they only last for a moment. FRB he was discovered in 2007 and remains one of the most mysterious phenomena in astronomy. Now, researchers at the University of Tokyo suggest that FRBs may be caused by “starquakes” on the surface of a neutron star. Scientists analyzed the timing and energy signatures of about 7,000 bursts from three different repeating FRB sources. The same algorithm was also used to estimate the time and energy dependence of earthquakes in Japan. They also analyzed data on the energy and timing of solar flares collected from the Hinode International Solar Research Mission archives. The researchers then compared the results for all three phenomena. We found almost perfect agreement between the FRB and seismic data in several fundamental parameters. Researchers have provided convincing evidence for the presence of a solid crust on the surface of a neutron star. This means that internal starquakes release huge amounts of energy, which is recorded as FRBs.