Scientists have revealed the secret of the famous space explosion

New data suggests that the neutron star’s surface should be about 1 million degrees Celsius after cooling from 100 billion degrees. The research team will continue to monitor the supernova region to learn more about the exact details of the explosion. And this data provides an opportunity to observe very early “baby” neutron stars and compare them to older neutron stars to see how these cosmic double stars evolve over time. It will be given to the research team. This observation was made possible by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. The most powerful space observatory ever built is equipped with instruments that take measurements in the infrared frequency range, allowing us to see through the cosmic dust that has long obscured our view. Professor Mike Barlow from University College London said that although there is some indirect evidence, we have the “first direct evidence” that JWST is a neutron star. “The mystery of whether neutron stars are hidden in dust has existed for more than 30 years, so it’s great to be able to solve it.” The JWST data was analyzed by his 34 scientists from 12 countries. They discovered that light from atoms of the elements argon and sulfur can only be produced by intense radiation from the neutron star at the center of a supernova. Although there is no direct image of the neutron star itself, Dr. Robert Massey of the Royal Astronomical Society believes it would be difficult to explain this measurement with anything else. In any case, although research astronomers have not yet found definitive proof of this cosmic mystery, they have discovered irrefutable traces of its existence.
