Scientists have identified new signs of life on a planet outside our solar system that James Webb can now detect.

Declining carbon dioxide levels: new indicator of life on Earth’s twin planet Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Birmingham and others have proposed a new approach to detecting signs of life on planets beyond our solar system. They suggest that low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmospheres of planets similar in size and temperature to Earth may indicate the presence of liquid water, tectonics, and biomass.

This new signature was discovered thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Researchers have discovered that Earth is the only planet in the solar system with liquid water. They also consider another difference. That means there is significantly less carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere. Scientists believe that significantly lower carbon dioxide levels on the planet compared to neighboring planets could indicate the presence of a liquid ocean and the possibility of life on the planet’s surface. I think it’s sexual. After carefully examining fields from biology to chemistry to carbon capture related to climate change, researchers found that detecting a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could indicate the presence of liquid water and life. concluded that it is very high.

The researchers defined a strategy for finding habitable planets based on looking for signs of low carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. This approach is most effective in systems like our solar system, where planets of similar size are located close to each other. The first step is to determine the presence of atmospheres on most planets, primarily by detecting the carbon dioxide that is expected to be present in their atmospheres. Once we have confirmed the presence of an atmosphere on the planet, the next step is to measure carbon dioxide levels. If a planet’s carbon dioxide levels are significantly lower than others, this could indicate a potentially habitable liquid ocean on its surface. However, the existence of habitable conditions does not necessarily mean the existence of life. The researchers also suggest looking for another atmospheric feature: ozone, to estimate the potential for life. Scientists believe that if a planet’s atmosphere has ozone and very little carbon dioxide, it is likely to be habitable. “If ozone is detected, it is very likely related to carbon consumption by some organisms,” said Amauri Torio, from the University of Birmingham. Biomass can process and interact with large amounts of carbon. ”