Scientists discover rocky vapors in the ultra-hot Jupiter near us, famous for raining metal

There are planets in our Universe that are classified as ultrahot Jupiters. We can assume that this is due to its enormous size and its high temperatures. One of these planets is called WASP-76 b and has once again attracted the attention of scientists.

WASP-76b is a planet in the constellation Pisces. It is located about 634 light years from Earth, a tiny distance by cosmic standards, and is distinguished by the presence of metallic showers. They occur because the planet’s temperature reaches 2,400 degrees Celsius, which causes metals to first evaporate and then spill onto the surface. WASP-76b scientists have discovered several of the chemical elements that make up the rocks. Among them, iron, magnesium, manganese, barium, calcium, chromium and vanadium. In addition, its content corresponds to that of these elements both in the local star and in the Sun. Furthermore, astronomers believe that WASP-76b previously engulfed a Mercury-like planet in our star system. Such conclusions have been fueled by an excess of nickel.

As we wrote earlier, WASP-76b is located 634 light-years from Earth. The high temperature is due to the fact that the planet is 12 times closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun. Its orbital period is less than 48 Earth hours. Due to its proximity to its star, the planet is swollen. For this reason, it is about twice the diameter of Jupiter and, at any given time, six times its volume. However, the gas giant of the solar system is more than 15% more massive than WASP-76b.
