Astronomers discover record-breaking bright, fast-growing quasar The mass of the inner black hole is 17 billion times that of the Sun.

DSS2 image of J0529-4351 superimposed on a Dark Energy Survey sky image
ESO / Digitized Sky Survey 2 / Dark Energy Survey

Astronomers have discovered the brightest known quasar in the universe, which hosts the fastest growing black hole. It is the previously discovered quasar J0529-4351, whose radiation has reached Earth over her 12 billion years and contains a black hole with 17 billion solar masses. This paper was published in the journal Nature Astronomy. Quasars were first discovered in his 1963 year. Since then, the number of identified objects of this type has reached 1 million. These are the cores of very distant galaxies containing supermassive black holes that actively absorb matter from the surrounding accretion disk, with efficient production of heat and radiation. The study of quasars makes it possible to understand the relationship between the parameters of a supermassive black hole and the rate of accumulation of matter on it and the brightness of the quasar, as well as the influence of active nuclei on the evolution of quasars. It will be possible to do so. Mechanisms of formation and growth of parent galaxies and supermassive galaxies Understanding black holes. In the latter case, bright quasars with extremely massive black holes that existed hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang caused problems for existing theories. If the species were a stellar-mass black hole, it would need to gain mass rapidly over a short period of time. Continuous super-Eddington accretion rate until acquired. Therefore, scientists are also considering the idea of ​​​​seeds in the form of black holes, which arise as a result of the direct collapse of gas clouds. A team of astronomers led by Christian Wolff from the Australian National University has reported the discovery of the brightest known quasar. It was the quasar SMSS J052915.80–435152.0 (abbreviated J0529–4351) discovered last year. To determine the quasar’s properties, scientists used photometric data from ground-based observatories observing the quasar, including archival photographic plates from 1980 and 1998, and the VLT telescope complex’s X-Shooter receiver. The spectroscopic data obtained were analyzed. J0529-4351 has a redshift of 3.962. This object itself is a radio-quiet quasar. Fitting the accretion model to the spectrum shows that the accretion disk around the black hole is observed at angles between 0 and 60 degrees, with accretion occurring near the Eddington boundary and the rate of material accretion on the black hole ranging from 280 to 490 solar masses per year. It turns out to be. . The mass of the black hole is estimated to be 17 billion solar masses, and its total light output is 1048.37 ergs per second. These parameters make J0529-4351 the brightest quasar with the fastest-growing black hole in the known universe to date. Additionally, in the absence of strong gravitational lensing, quasars have the largest broad-line region (BLR) around the black hole, about 7 light-years in diameter. Quasar J0529–4351 and other unusually bright quasars for their time compared to known quasar populations from the SDSS and XQ-100 surveys. Quasar J0529–4351 and other unusually bright quasars for their time compared to known quasar populations from the SDSS and XQ-100 surveys. Christian Wolf et al. / Natural Astronomy, 2024 The authors note that J0529-4351 is listed in the 2022 Gaia Space Telescope Data Catalog. However, even though astronomers would immediately recognize the object as a quasar based on its spectrum, automated analysis systems using machine learning have a 99.98 percent chance of identifying the object as a magnitude 16 star. I identified it as This fact highlights that many quasars with unique properties may still remain hidden from observers.
