Physicists have discovered the reversibility of matter time – glass molecules undergo temporary vibrations

Humanity has learned to develop highly accurate clocks that work perfectly over millions of years, but we still don’t know what time is. There are several hypotheses discussed below, but let’s now move on to presenting the primary material. Researchers from Germany’s Darmstadt University of Technology and Denmark’s Roskilde University have reportedly made a breakthrough in understanding the nature of time thanks to a new experiment. It turns out that some materials can change their timeline periodically. In this case, scientists studied the aging phenomenon of glass and discovered the first physical evidence of the possibility of time-scale reversibility in the material.

Fundamental physical theories tend to ignore time scales. By reversing the equations that describe the movement of objects, it’s easy to see where this process begins. This approach to the laws of physics is often considered to be time-reversible. Individual laws sometimes defy time, but the fate of the universe as a whole is subject to inevitable chaos. As you know, you can make an omelet from fresh eggs, but it is impossible to restore them to their original state. This is due to the second law of thermodynamics, which describes the tendency for isolated systems to become increasingly disordered over time, making reversal impossible. It is often difficult to determine whether a material system is time-reversible or entropy-driven. Some materials, such as glass, change slowly over time, but this process is not necessarily caused by external factors such as corrosion. New experiments using amorphous materials show that glass can theoretically relax to a stable state and change its structure depending on its internal entropy. This can be compared to a kind of physical time in which molecules are constantly rearranged into new configurations. This principle, known as Tula Narayanaswamy formalism, was proposed in the 1970s but has only been confirmed experimentally due to improved observational techniques. The study’s authors say they face a difficult challenge that has remained unsolved for decades. Scientists used sensitive data recording techniques to observe the dynamics of glass molecules and found that time is reversible at the molecular level, allowing particles to change position and move forward without losing information about the direction of time. I was able to discover something that would allow me to return to the state. Scientists note that in this case they are not talking about the possibility of returning the object to its original state. Although it has not yet been proven that entropy is reversible, some degree of reversibility is observed at the molecular level, and systems tend to enter states determined by entropy. The researchers found small variations in the time frame that fit with common scientific concepts, but warrant further study. The paper’s authors believe they have moved closer to understanding the nature of time and matter, highlighting the complex relationship between thermodynamics and the fundamental laws of the universe. This means that it is not yet possible to build a time machine and everything will have to be done in the traditional way. Well, below you can learn the most common theories for understanding time.

According to modern physical theory, space and time are closely related, forming a four-dimensional continuum called spacetime. This concept was first introduced in the theory of relativity developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. Space-time is viewed as a continuous, flexible structure within which physical objects move and interact. According to general relativity, mass and energy bend spacetime and create a gravitational field. This causes a curvature in the trajectory of a moving object when the mass is present. Modern theories such as string theory provide a more fundamental view of the structure of space and time. These theories assume that the fundamental building blocks of matter are tiny vibrating threads rather than point particles. These strings exist in additional spatial dimensions in addition to the already known three dimensions of space and time. Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of particles at a microscopic level and introduces elements of chance and probability into our understanding of space and time. Theoretical astrophysics has many hypotheses and models about the nature of space and time. One of the most attractive concepts is the idea of ​​the existence of multidimensional spacetime. According to this hypothesis, in addition to the three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height), there is another dimension related to time. One such theory states that there are multiple parallel timelines in our universe, each corresponding to its own reality or possible development of events. These parallel timelines can exist simultaneously and independently of each other, and under certain conditions may interlock or interact.