Nickname Zoozve: Mysterious object flies near Venus, but it’s definitely not a Venus moon

It has a diameter of several hundred meters and has been observed by astronomers for more than 20 years.

Generally, this object was initially and until recently listed under the name 2002 VE68. 2002 was the year of discovery and VE was discovered near Venus, hence Venus. It has probably been observed thousands of times over the past 20 years or so. In any case, all important parameters are known with great precision. However, there is some uncertainty about its size, as it ranges from 234 meters to over 500 meters. That means it could turn out to be nearly identical to the fairly famous asteroid Bennu, from which soil samples were recently taken. But most importantly, it has a unique trajectory. In fact, it revolves around the Sun, being closer to Mercury at its closest point (perihelion) and slightly further away than Earth at its farthest point (aphelion). In reality, however, its orbital period almost exactly matches that of Venus, completing a complete revolution around the Sun in 224 Earth days. Venus requires 225 days for this. Venus’ orbit is very round. It’s not a perfect circle, but compared to the 2002 oval, the VE68 is the real deal. Thanks to all this, it turns out that Venus moves along its orbit and in its uniform circle, during which this friend turns out to be, for example, 300 meters long, It turns out that it moves closer and further away from the sun. And it turns out that it appears to be orbiting Venus, as if it were a satellite of Venus. Such celestial bodies are called quasi-satellites or quasi-satellites. By the way, such a quasi-moon also exists on Earth. For example, the asteroid Komoareba undergoes a pseudo-rotation around us. Well, an interesting story about this Venusian object was recently published. If it weren’t for the interest of an artist named Alex Foster, it’s very likely that the general public would never have known about the existence of his VE68 since 2002. A person who created object posters depicting the solar system for children. He wanted to show our space family in a little more detail. Before creating the poster, he immersed himself in astronomy, came across this celestial body and decided to paint it. What’s funny is that he got the title wrong. Foster mistook the numbers for letters and wrote ZZZV on the poster. In any case, few people would have known about this if the son of popular English-speaking radio host Latif Nasser, a popular scientist, had not been interested in astronomy. On a recent episode of the podcast, he talked about how confused he was when he saw what he saw on the poster when he was putting his kids to bed. This attracted the interest of many of his subscribers and created the so-called word of mouth. People asked each other what they knew about Zoozve. As a result, the International Astronomical Union was forced to admit that Zoozve is a name that people already remember.