A mysterious object has been discovered at the edge of the galaxy, but its properties are beyond human knowledge.

A group of astronomers from the University of Manchester have discovered an object at the edge of a galaxy that scientists thought would be difficult to identify. The discovery is faint and cannot be seen with conventional telescopes. The mysterious object was discovered by observing an orbiting pulsar. The problem is that the mass of the unknown object is outside of our knowledge of neutron stars and black holes. Neither of us had ever experienced crowds like this. Why is it important? If this mysterious celestial body turns out to be a neutron star, it will open up a new field of physics. Its mass is in the range of 2.09 to 2.71 solar masses. In theory, a neutron star cannot be more massive than 2.3 times the mass of the Sun, but at the upper end of the discovery range, such objects either do not exist or have little reliability. As far as we understand the physics of the process, more massive neutron stars collapse into black holes. If such stars exist, processes occur there that we know nothing about, including the existence of other elementary particles.

On the other hand, we have not however found dark gaps with masses less than 5 sun powered ones, and with affirmation of disclosures within the lower portion of the mass run of these objects, everything is additionally not clear. Subsequently, on the off chance that the puzzling object turns out to be a dark gap, it’ll be the lightest dark gap ever watched. This will not crush the establishments of material science, but will give nourishment for numerous logical theories.
Scientists have no question approximately the unwavering quality of the parameters of the protest they found. It was found within the circle of the pulsar PSR J0514-4002E, which emanates ultrashort radio beats (millisecond term), and this made it conceivable to calculate with the most elevated exactness the mass of the framework and the mass of each of the objects: the pulsar and it isn’t however clear what.

The system is located in the star cluster NGC 1851, about 54,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way. The data was collected by the MeerKAT radio telescope array in South Africa. The unknown celestial body completes one orbit in 7.44 days. Scientists will make every effort to elucidate its nature. Regardless of the identity of the object, the discovery promises to be important for science.

source: T. M. Tauris, E. P. J. van den Heuvel, Physics of Binary Star Evolution. From Stars to X-ray Binaries and Gravitational Wave Sources (Princeton Univ. Press, 2023).